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                  Nanjing Electric, the first high tension insulator company in the electrical industry of China, established in 1936, is the eastern China headquarter of BPG. We have three research centers including: Glass Insulator Engineering Technical Research Center of Mechanical Industry, High-voltage Insulator Engineering Technical Research Center of Jiangsu Province, National Laboratory (Inspection Center). In recent years, we are honored as Advanced Collective of National Mechanical Industry....
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            Product Center
            Glass insulators
            Used in HV,UHV AC/DC for insulating and suspending wire>
            Composite insulator
            used in electric transmission line、substation、electric railway ect >
            HV bushing
            The component which is used to close current, connect equipments and shells, go through the walls and insulate in the power system >
            High voltage transformer
            accurate measurement, reliable protection, guarantee the grid security, stable and high quality operation! >
            High tension insulator
            the Pacesetter of Electric porcelain industry >
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            Enterprise culture
            Find out more >

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